A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Denmark ‘world’s happiest nation’

Denmark is the happiest country in the world, according to the latest World Values Survey published by the United States National Science Foundation...Puerto Rico and Colombia completed the top three happiest nations. Zimbabwe was found to be the least happy, with Russia and Iraq also in the bottom 10.


Chinese, Tibetans begin 2-day talks

Chinese and Tibetan envoys on Tuesday began their first formal talks since bloody protests swept Tibetan areas of western China three months ago, in a dialogue that may affect the Olympic Games here next month. Chinese and Tibetan envoys on Tuesday began their first formal talks since bloody protests swept Tibetan areas of western China three months ago, in a dialogue that may affect the Olympic Games here next month.


Beijing Olympics 2008: China tells bar girls to cover up

Strict new regulations, posted today on the Ministry of Public Security's website, are intended to help fight prostitution and drug use. They state that entertainment venues must have glass windows in the private rooms at clubs "to show the whole area" - and doors must stay unlocked. All staff at such venues should dress "tastefully" and should not be too exposed, the rules said.


Great Parliamentarians Think Alike

When two key American and British progressive political leaders offer forward-looking ideas on today's urgent diplomatic challenges, it's probably worth taking note...Now, along come Jim Murphy, MP -- UK Minister for Europe, who blogs -- and Sen. Russ Feingold with excellent points about the importance of diplomacy that really clues into local realities elsewhere around the globe.


Study abroad through Second Life

Around the world, universities, and even the US Department of State, are turning to online virtual worlds to create cultural exchanges. In these immersive, 3-D environments, users from around the globe can collaborate in ways that were previously impossible.


Guru tightlipped about ‘winking panda’

China's record-breaking social and economic changes over the past 20 years will become one of the major themes of the Olympic opening ceremony, according to one of the key members of the team.


DIY crash procedure cuts jams in Beijing

Of the many rules and regulations introduced by the Beijing government to ease the city's traffic problems, one of the simplest seems to be having the most effect: allowing car drivers to handle their own minor bumps.


Rights advocates risk backfire in Olympic activism

Western activists trying to use Beijing's staging of the Olympic games as an opportunity to promote civil rights risk provoking resentment among the Chinese people, U.S. China analysts say.



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