Though essential to human existence, water has become increasingly unavailable due to pollution, failure to develop conservation programs, and the mismanagement of water resources. During the near future, water shortages...
KEEP READINGOpen Call for Papers on Water Diplomacy for the CPD Perspectives Series
CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy Water Diplomacy Essays and Case Studies.
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy is now accepting submissions for a special edition of its CPD Perspectives series.
1. Essays
Essays between 2,500 and 3,500 words suited for this series focus on the public diplomacy components of water diplomacy activities and can be submitted in the form of a theoretical working paper, comparative study or a history of water diplomacy practiced internationally.
2. Case Studies on Water Vulnerability
1,000-word case studies focused on public diplomacy’s ability to aid populations experiencing water vulnerability. To submit a case study for this series, an abstract must first be approved by CPD. Upon approval, the author will be sent formatting guidelines to follow when submitting the final piece.
This is a limited Call for Papers on Water Diplomacy and submissions will not be accepted for review after August 1, 2012. The preliminary review process will take between 1-2 weeks. Once approval is issued via email, a final proofing and layout process of approximately 4 weeks will take place followed by a limited print run and appearance on the CPD web site.
Questions about content and ideas, logistics and final submissions should be directed to CPD Assistant Director for Research & Publications, Naomi Leight at
Visit our Water Diplomacy Initiative here.
About CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy
Launched in September 2009, CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy is a periodic publication from the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD), and highlights scholarship intended to stimulate critical thinking about the study and practice of public diplomacy. Designed for both the practitioner and the scholar, this series illustrates the breadth of public diplomacy – its role as an essential component of foreign policy and the intellectual challenges it presents to those seeking to understand this increasingly significant element of international relations. By publishing around ten essays each year in this series, the Center intends to provide a new platform for international contributors to communicate their views on emerging trends in public diplomacy and offer fresh insight into some historic challenges in the field. CPD Perspectives on Public Diplomacy is available electronically in PDF form on the Center's web site and in hard copy by request.
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