Digital Cooperation via Multi Stakeholder Diplomacy
On October 24, 2018, CPD and the Embassy of Sweden in Washington, D.C. jointly hosted a program at the House of Sweden to explore collaborations between the business sector and public diplomacy to shape the digital future.
CPD Advisory Board member Fadi Chehadé from the U.N. Secretary-General's High Panel on Digital Cooperation joined other experts for a conversation on how digital innovation is re-writing the rules of our economy and society, and its implications for the future of business-diplomatic partnerships.
Particular focus was placed on discussing effective frameworks for advancing digital cooperation through multi-stakeholder diplomacy, and identifying the required organizational capabilities and partnership mechanisms for future success.
This event was held in partnership with the Digital Diplomacy Coalition.
The program featured a variety of speakers:
- Fadi Chehadé, CPD Board Member; Member of U.N. Secretary-General's High Panel on Digital Cooperation; Partner, ABRY Partners
- Jacob Poushter, Senior Researcher, Pew Research Center
- Daniel Sepulveda, VP for Global Government Relations, MediaMath (moderator)
- Anthony Shop, Co-Founder & Chief Strategy Officer, Social Driver and Chairman, National Digital Roundtable
- Moira Whelan, Founding Partner, BlueDot Strategies and Digital Diplomacy Coalition Board Member
Full Event Video |
Gov & Tech Collaborative Learnings |
Tech & PD: A New Frontier |
How Big Tech Is Like Government |
Trust in Times of Digital Innovation Fadi Chehadé talks about diminishing public trust in technology and new possibilities for horizontal models of digital cooperation.
Public Opinion in the Digital Era Jacob Poushter discusses trending views on media and technology around the world.
Below, please find Jacob's Pew data presentation, "Trust in the Digital Era."
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