Housed at a world-class university with Los Angeles' rich cultural diversity at our fingertips, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) is the leading academic center dedicated to the study and practice of public diplomacy...
Support Students this Holiday Season
This holiday season, CPD is proud to showcase our ongoing commitment to advancing the field of public diplomacy through research, analysis, events, programming and partnership-building, in addition to growing our digital reach. 2018 saw tremendous growth to CPD's original multimedia content—from videos to animations to podcasts and more—all of which showcase the talent and agility of CPD's student fellows and interns.
But CPD's student engagement doesn't stop there. Funding student experiences through CPD includes:
- Sending students to international mega-events to explore the possibilities of digital storytelling for public diplomacy (view media coverage here);
- Facilitating paid internships with the U.S. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy and the Mayor's Office of International Affairs in Los Angeles;
- Expanding our CPD Student Fellowship program to include one student from each of the following USC Annenberg programs: Master of Public Diplomacy, Master of Strategic Public Relations and Master of Journalism;
- Continuing CPD's annual Doctoral Dissertation Grant, which awards $2,500 to one or two doctoral students with dissertation topics in the area of public diplomacy;
- Launching the CPD Doctoral Conference on Public Diplomacy (view photos here);
- Sponsoring doctoral and post-doctoral presenters at the International Communication Association (ICA) Conference through a generous private donation;
- Publication of the entirely student-run Public Diplomacy Magazine, which has recently covered such topics as border diplomacy and city diplomacy;
- And much more.
Your gift will help us continue to offer these opportunities and to create new ways for student engagement at CPD to remain a pillar of how we support today's students to become the next generation of public diplomats, scholars, communicators, policymakers and leaders.
The Center operates on a modest budget, with a small, but dedicated, staff and a team of talented student interns. Today, we ask for your help in widening our circle of supporters for our ambitious venture.
Make your gift online today, and together we will step into the future of public diplomacy.
Direct your tax-deductible gift to CPD online here or mail your check to:
The USC Center on Public Diplomacy
at the Annenberg School
Attention: Victoria Parrott Hsieh
3502 Watt Way, Suite 232
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281
Thank you for your support!
All gifts directed to support the USC Center on Public Diplomacy also count toward The Campaign for USC.
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