Housed at a world-class university with Los Angeles' rich cultural diversity at our fingertips, the USC Center on Public Diplomacy (CPD) is the leading academic center dedicated to the study and practice of public diplomacy...
Contribute to CPD's Annual Fund
This has been a momentous year for CPD as well as the world. As readers of our e-newsletter, you’ll know that our focus on public diplomacy analysis, engagement and training has yielded substantive results in 2016. These include:
- A greatly expanded presence in Washington, DC with public and private events held in conjunction with the UN Foundation, the Digital Diplomacy Coalition and CSIS as well as specialized CPD mini-courses in Storytelling and Evaluation for PD practitioners
- Increased global impact through international partnerships and programs in Brussels, Edinburgh, Ottawa, Rome and Tokyo that have resulted in several white papers, blogs and reports on topics ranging from digital diplomacy to cultural relations
- Improvements to CPD’s comprehensive website and social media platforms to better serve our readers who in ever-greater numbers seek out these online resources to fulfill their academic and professional needs
- Training and empowering the next generation of public diplomacy leaders through our innovative professional training curriculum and research support for emerging scholars
CPD is proud of all that we’ve done this past year to advance the field of public diplomacy, but we need your help to continue bringing programs and research to you and those who can benefit most from our work. There are just a few short weeks to reach our end of year goal of $15,000.
Please follow this link to make a generous contribution to CPD and to help us meet our year-end goal.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Donations made to the USC Center on Public Diplomacy are tax deductible within the United States.
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