CPD Director Seib to speak at Johns Hopkins roundtable in Washington, DC

CPD Director Philip Seib joins a panel of distinguished public diplomacy experts the evening of November 16 to discuss the major PD challenges of the new century. The roundtable, "Winning Hearts and Minds: American Public Diplomacy in the 21st Century," will be held at Johns Hopkins University's Washington DC Center.

Questions include:

  • What are the biggest challenges for American public diplomacy in the coming years?
  • How will we engage with an increasingly younger and technologically savvy, global population as we move into this increasingly challenging century?
  • Are we winning the battle for hearts and minds? And if so, whose hearts and minds are we winning?

The event is cosponsored by The Johns Hopkins MA in Communication Program and the American Foreign Policy Studies Program of The Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies

For more information on the speakers and event, visit the Johns Hopkins University event page.

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