Philip Seib Addresses Public Diplomacy In Mexico
CPD Director Philip Seib traveled to Mexico City to address issues related to Mexican public diplomacy during a series of talks and meetings held November 14-16. At Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM), a private, secular, non-profit Mexican institution of higher education, Seib presented a classroom talk on “Real-Time Diplomacy: Power and Politics in the Social Media Era.”
While at ITAM, Seib also met with various Mexican public diplomacy practitioners during a lunch organized by Dr. Rafael Fernández de Castro, founder and chair of the Department of International Studies at ITAM, and editor of Foreign Affairs en Español, the sister magazine of Foreign Affairs. Dr. Fernández de Castro is an expert on the bilateral relationship between Mexico and the United States, as well as in Mexican foreign policy.
During his visit, Seib also met with Dr. César Villanueva and students at the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City, a private Jesuit institution. Seib also delivered an address at the Consejo Mexicano de Asuntos Internacionales, the Mexican Council on Foreign Relations (COMEXI), an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to analysis of international affairs and their impact on Mexico. He discussed joint CPD-COMEXI projects with COMEXI Director General Claudi Calvin Venero (a USC alum).
His visit concluded with a meeting at the Instituto Matias Romero, the think tank and diplomatic academy attached to the SRE (Mexico’s foreign ministry), founded in 1974 to train Mexican diplomats. Seib’s visit was arranged by Dr. Angela McCracken, Director of USC México.
To read about Seib’s presentation at Universidad Iberoamericana, please click here. Please note that this article is in Spanish.

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