Welcome Mina Chow and Robeson Taj Frazier as CPD Faculty Fellows
Join us in welcoming to our global CPD Faculty Fellows cohort, whose work enriches the study and practice of public diplomacy, Mina Chow of USC Architecture and Robeson Taj Frazier of USC Annenberg. In addition to working together on ways to leverage our strengths through joint research projects and proposals, CPD Faculty Fellows contribute to various publications across the Center's website including the CPD Blog and the CPD Perspectives, collaborate on public events or teach in our professional training programs.
Mina Chow is an interdisciplinary licensed architect, filmmaker and Adjunct Associate Professor at the USC School of Architecture. Her original media and projects influence public perception about the fundamental nature of design. She expands public awareness of architecture by connecting it to distinct ideas in civilization. She recently completed “FACE OF A NATION: What Happened to the World’s Fair?” a documentary connecting the erosion of the American image to its deteriorating representation at World’s Fairs. It is receiving national attention in news and festivals. Chow’s bio on the USC School of Architecture website can be found here.
Robeson Taj Frazier is a cultural historian who explores the arts, political and expressive cultures of the people of the African Diaspora in the United States and elsewhere. His research examines histories and current-day dynamics of race and gender, cultural traffic and contact, urban culture and life, and popular culture. As a Black studies and communication scholar trained in the humanities, his interdisciplinary scholarship, pedagogical mission, and intellectual purpose is aimed at facilitating for different communities: 1) the value of a critical approach to culture, communication, and the historical, ontological, and material dimensions of power, resistance, and subjectivity; 2) old and new creative modes of cultural and political intervention. Frazier’s bio on the USC Annenberg website can be found here.
About CPD Faculty Fellows
CPD's non-residential faculty fellowship is comprised of international scholars dedicated to exploring and enriching the study and practice of public diplomacy. Each is actively engaged in CPD research, training or programming. All CPD Faculty Fellows can be viewed as part of our network here.
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