Check out CPD's top blog posts for the month of April: 5) Ukrainian Civil Society & Media in the Euro Maidan - Barbora Maronkova on how civil society rose to the occasion in the fight against disinformation in...
February Blog Roundup: The Top 5
Take a look at CPD's top blogs from February:
5) I Was a Stranger & You Welcomed Me: The Church & Immigration - By Madison Jones. A look at the response of some Christian churches to President Trump's travel ban.
4) Mexico at a Crossroads - By Sergio de la Calle. With the world watching the new U.S. - Mexico relationship, Mexico has an opportunity.
3 ) What's in VOA's Charter - And What Isn't - By David S. Jackson. The Voice of America was never intended to do investigative reporting, nor should it.
2) NATO in an Era of Fake News and Disinformation - By Barbora Maronkova. How the "post-truth" trend of misinformation is affecting NATO, and how the organization can fight back.
1) The Fate of VOA in the Balance - By Alex Belida. What does the Trump administration's anti-media environment mean for the Voice of America?
Photos (from top to bottom): Photo by Gretchen Mahan | CC by 2.0, Photo by Presidencia de la Republica Mexicana | CC 2.0, Photo by Gabito222 | CC 0, Photo by MIH83 I CC 0, Photo by Thomas Cizauskas I CC 2.0
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