2017 CPD Summer Institute in Public Diplomacy
CPD is offering our annual training program for the world's public diplomats from July 10-July 21. Over two dozen diplomats, scholars, and non-state actors will participate in our cutting-edge professional education program which integrates academic scholarship and real-world problem-solving.
Entering the Summer Institute's 12th year, will be 25 participants from 11 countries and 14 organizations totaling two hundred years of public diplomacy practice. A core curriculum which covers listening, advocacy, and nation branding, is enhanced by special courses on creativity and leadership, digital and immersive storytelling, creating visual content, and real-time analytics.
Our signature training program is taught by some of the world’s most distinguished public diplomacy experts. In addition to a core curriculum which covers listening, advocacy, and nation branding, there are special courses on creativity and leadership, digital and immersive storytelling, creating visual content, and real-time analytics.
The two-week program for 2017 highlights the fast-changing diplomacy landscape while providing a wide range of hands-on skills and analytical capabilities essential for high-impact public diplomacy practice. This year's CPD Summer Institute curriculum includes:
- Foundational knowledge and practice of public diplomacy;
- Impact of the policy/public opinion/media nexus of public diplomacy strategies and implementations;
- Data-driven public diplomacy campaigns and evaluation;
- Digital and immersive storytelling for multi-stakeholder collaboration and network-building; and
- Evaluating impact of public diplomacy at the local level
For more information on the Summer Institute, please click here. Additional details about the 2017 class will be posted later this summer.
To find out more about the Summer Institute faculty, you can read their bios here.
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