A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Opinion: The forgotten formula in Afghanistan

The Afghan people must be persuaded that the Afghan government, not the Taliban, is a reliable advocate, able to provide strong social services as well as security once the United States and other forces leave.

Tags: afghanistan, development, usaid, taliban

Jamaican says Gay Games provide escape from homophobia

The Gay Games began in 1982 and are meant to provide a safe space for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender athletes to compete while still being open about their sexual and gender identities.

Tags: human rights, jamaica, lgbt

AFRICOM’s Impressive Public Diplomacy Product

One of the most impressive online U.S. public diplomacy venues is Magharebia, a website and news service for North Africans that is published by the United States African Command (AFRICOM).

Tags: united states, media, public opinion, africa, new media, internet diplomacy, africom

Hiroshima memorial visit: unspoken apology or commitment to disarmament?

For the first time since the A-bomb was dropped on Japan, ending World War II and killing more than 100,000 people, the United States sent a representative to the annual memorial at Hiroshima.

Tags: barack obama, world war ii, hiroshima

Further Travels Of Imam Feisal

While debate rages over plans for an Islamic center in Lower Manhattan, the imam behind this project, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is not available to answer questions in New York.

Tags: ground zero mosque, imam, ground zero

Hiroshima Atomic Bomb 65th Anniversary: US Joins Memorial For First Time

A U.S. representative participated for the first time Friday in Japan's annual commemoration of the American atomic bombing of Hiroshima, in a 65th anniversary event that organizers hope will bolster global efforts toward nuclear disarmament.

Tags: world war ii, nuclear disarmament, hiroshima

Structural Weaknesses Threaten China’s ‘Inevitable Rise’

Over the past decade and more, China has capitalized on critical transformations in the global landscape to forge new patterns of political and economic influence and significantly further its national interests.

Tags: social unrest, socio-economic development

China: Breaking Out of US Containment

Plenty of water has passed under the bridge for China and the US since President Obama took office. What started out warmly soon turned chilly, and many feel the Sino- US relationship is heading toward a dangerously uncertain era.

Tags: sino-us relationship


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