A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

UK: Battle of the beers

The Great British Beer Festival is exactly what its name implies. It’s a festival, it’s great, there’s beer — enough of the stuff to soak an entire city — and it’s a proud celebration of brewing traditions that no one else upholds quite like the British...Except, it seems, the Americans.

Tags: united states, soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, united kingdom, gastrodiplomacy

Should Obama Visit Hiroshima?

President Barack Obama will have to deftly navigate an atomic minefield if he decides to visit Hiroshima, the city destroyed by the first atomic bomb 65 years ago, during his visit to Japan later this year.

Tags: united states, government pd, public opinion, japan, barack obama, world war ii, nuclear disarmament, hiroshima

How a raw idea spread out from Japan

Sushi's humble beginnings in Tokyo are of only passing interest to University of Wollongong academic Matt Allen and colleague Rumi Sakamoto...the academics' real interest lies in its culinary colonisation of the world in the past 20 or so years and how this has been influential back in Japan.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, japan, gastrodiplomacy

Foreign interns get more than experience

Seoul City’s internship program draws 45 students from 17 countries...the Global Internship Program, which was launched in 2008 as a government project to help foreign students understand Korea better while working as interns. The program is in its fifth year.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, south korea, cultural exchange, internship

Russia-US sports exchanges promote friendship between the two countries

Youth exchanges between Russia and the USA in the field of sports are gaining speed. They are organized by the US-Russia Presidential Commission, Obama-Medvedev, as part of numerous programmes in the field of sports. This commission was set up by the presidents of the two countries on July 6th, 2009, during the visit of the US leader to Moscow and it is aimed at improving the relationships and cooperation between the governments of Russia and the USA.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, russia, sports diplomacy

Turkish, Armenian NGOs join forces in İstanbul to boost mutual relations

Turkish and Armenian representatives from various nongovernmental organizations (NGO) came together in İstanbul to address relations between the two countries and share messages of goodwill.

Tags: turkey, non-state pd, armenia

Japan Apologizes to South Korea on Colonization

Prime Minister Naoto Kan of Japan offered a renewed apology to South Korea on Tuesday for Japan’s brutal colonial rule, as part of a statement marking the 100th anniversary of his nation’s prewar annexation of the Korean Peninsula.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, japan, south korea

Disaster Politics: The American Reaction to Pakistan’s Floods

At a critical time in U.S.- Pakistan relations, a window of opportunity has opened for the U.S. to employ a more nuanced humanitarian diplomacy. This is the moment for the American public to affirm Naseer's faith, and the Obama administration to prove him wrong.

Tags: united states, pakistan, humanitarian aid


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