
USC students can now apply for a special summer internship.

CPD-MOIA Summer Associate Daniel Toomey recounts his internship experience at the Los Angeles Mayor's Office of International Affairs.

Providing unique internships for the next generation of public diplomacy professionals

A chance to work alongside international scholars on cutting edge research.

CPD is seeking a current or recent USC graduate student preferably with doctoral training to manage multiple research projects at the Center.

CPD is looking to hire an experienced USC student intern to assist with our public relations and marketing. Responsibilities include:
The Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange released today, reports a decrease in the number of American students studying abroad...For the first time in the 25 years that the data has been tracked, the total number of U.S. students studying abroad for academic credit did not increase.
Not so long ago students and graduates who hadn't found a job would spend their summer holidays searching for their souls in some far-flung corner of the globe, but it seems in cut-back Britain that is a luxury many feel they can no longer afford.