A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The world wants to think the best about India. So we turn our back on Kashmir

That’s why India is the world’s first “soft superpower”. It can barely do wrong for doing right, and if it does we don’t really want to know. As David Cameron made perfectly clear during his recent visit, we’re interested in India as the world’s second fastest-growing economy and by its contribution to the war on terrorism, but not how it treats its own people.

Tags: soft power, nation branding, india, public opinion, image building

The Small World of Wikileaks, Part 1 - What might this have to do with Public Diplomacy?

The experience of Wikileaks has much in common with those engaged in Public Diplomacy and seeking to measure their attempts to disperse information on specific issues. Examining Wikileaks provides a case study of an attempt to map a network of influence and identify key nodes within that network.

Tags: united states, media, public opinion, new technology, wikileaks, networks, network theory

State Dept. faces skyrocketing costs as it prepares to expand role in Iraq

As the last U.S. combat troops prepare to leave Iraq this month, the State Department is struggling to implement an expanded mission that it has belatedly realized it might not be able to afford. Beginning in September, the State Department will take over all police training in Iraq from coalition military forces...

Tags: united states, us department of state, iraq

Murdoch’s News Corp takes Chinese partner

China Media Capital is supported by the Chinese government and will take controlling shares in the TV channels which Rupert Murdoch had hoped would deliver mass audiences. But Beijing has kept a tight rein on foreign media players, including the world's biggest.

Tags: china, united states, media, international broadcasting, non-state pd, corporate diplomacy

‘Imagining Asia’: Celebrating Asian films, culture in Delhi

Film lovers in the capital can next week look forward to four days of serious and quality cinema from across Asia thanks to “Imaging Asia”, a festival that will also showcase folk performances and art.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, india, non-state pd, art diplomacy, film diplomacy, asia, dance

With Ramadan, the drama begins

It is a blow to Syria’s soft power as well as its fledgling entertainment industry. With an extremely small theater and cinema scene, the Muslim dramas are the country’s primary cultural export. They have sparked debate at home and are enormously popular across the whole Arab world, broadening Syria’s cultural reach.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, international broadcasting, non-state pd, syria, theatre, television diplomacy

Chinese Acrobatic Performance Welcomed in Bangladesh

Zhang said acrobatics is one of the most popular recreations in China. He expressed his confidence the visit by the China National Acrobatics Troupe delegation will further promote the existing cultural cooperation between the two countries and China- Bangladesh relationship.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, bangladesh

Islamic charities lead in Pakistan aid battle

When torrential monsoon rains flooded Pakistan, sparking a massive humanitarian crisis, hardline Islamic charities moved fast. Faster than the government. Banned in Pakistan and on a UN terror list, Jamaat-ud-Dawa is one of a number of Islamic organisations highly visible in the battle to help provide relief to millions of flood survivors.

Tags: pakistan, non-state pd, aid diplomacy


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