A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

U.S. Public Diplomacy Toward Africa Advanced by Obama’s Gesture

Sometimes effective public diplomacy can be conducted through a simple and unambiguous gesture. Such was the case when President Barack Obama recently commemorated the 50th anniversaries of 17 African nations’ independence at the White House.

Tags: united states, africa, non-state pd, barack obama, citizen diplomacy

Social media has come to Kashmir

Over the past few years technology has played an increasingly important role in protest movements around the world, from Myanmar (Burma) to Tibet to Iran and now to Kashmir, the largely Muslim state at the heart of the dispute between India and Pakistan.

Tags: social media, facebook, kashmir

Is culture the way forward?

With its rich heritage and culture India can show the world the path to freedom, peace and enlightenment. Though that path is long and arduous the journey must begin. Nations rise and prosper because of the clear direction they choose.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, cultural exchange

Soft Power: Gastro-diplomacy

Taiwan is the latest in a series of countries to launch a ‘gastro-diplomacy’ campaign, which means using food to spread awareness of culture. The drive seeks to promote understanding of Taiwanese culture via such local cuisine as stinky tofu and sea-salt lattes. To learn more about gastro-diplomacy, I spoke to Mr. Paul Rockower, a research fellow at the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy...

Tags: taiwan, gastrodiplomacy, paul rockower

Mobile technology: India and BlackBerry standoff could lead to ban

India says it wants to keep mobile technology and Internet markets safe from militants. BlackBerry says it won't give India special treatment.

Tags: india, new technology, non-state pd, google, blackberry, research in motion

China’s developing-country identity remains unchanged

China's rising influence, particularly its robust economic growth in the past three decades, has created a view among some that it is no longer a developing country.

Tags: china, united states, soft power, public opinion, development

Ditching Principles for Diplomacy

German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle is openly gay and likes his partner to accompany him on foreign trips. However, he now says that he will travel alone to countries where homosexuality is an offence. He wants to promote tolerance, but not "imprudently."

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, public opinion, germany, gay rights

India’s Pan-African network gets top prize for innovation

In a growing global recognition of India's people-focused diplomacy in Africa, its signature Pan-African e-network project, that seeks to empower the resource-rich continent through tele-medicine and tele-education, has won a top international prize for innovation.

Tags: government pd, india, africa, new technology, networks


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