A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Armenians Study English in Georgia

Armenian adults and school children arrived in Georgia as part of the framework of the English Language Learning Strengthening Program of Buckswood Summer School...They will spend 21 days with Georgian peers at Tskneti English Language Summer School. They will have an intensive course of English and participate in different sports, educational and cultural activities.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, people-to-people, educational exchange, georgia, armenia, english

Korea-UAE nuclear tie-up strengthened

After securing a mega-sized nuclear contract with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Korea is pushing to form a closer partnership with the Middle Eastern country including providing education to foster a highly skilled workforce.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, new technology, south korea, educational exchange, united arab emirates, nuclear energy

Actions speak louder than words

On August 10, Prime Minister Naoto Kan issued an apology for Japan's mistreatment of the people of Korea...It was the latest in a long line of expressions of remorse for past misdeeds and part of a carefully calibrated strategy of what Japanese conservatives deride as "apology diplomacy".

Tags: soft power, government pd, japan, south korea, world war ii

The write stuff? But there can be trickery in all that tweeting

Having never used Facebook or sent a tweet, and with no desire to do so, I am what you might call a social media sceptic...It troubles me to contemplate the effect it's having on government and public policymaking - when politicians feel the need to respond to the gossip and information generated with such rapidity by Twitter.

Tags: media, government pd, public opinion, social media, new technology, australia, twitter

Is ground zero mosque imam best choice for diplomatic mission to Mideast?

At least two Republican members of Congress have come out in opposition to the plan, calling it “unacceptable” that the US would fund the travel of a Muslim religious leader who they say has been less than categorical in his condemnation of 9/11.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, non-state pd, us department of state, image building, united arab emirates, cultural understanding

Poll reveals European mindset among Swiss

Despite not being European Union citizens...Switzerland comes out top in the European Mindset study by the Spanish bank BBVA as the nation with the highest percentage of citizens for whom European and national identities are of equal importance.

Tags: public opinion, europe, european union, switzerland

Turkish, Armenian NGOs push peace process through ‘TANGO diplomacy’

With political efforts to bring about reconciliation between Turkey and Armenia seemingly stymied, nongovernmental organizations are working on diplomatic moves of their own, planning a network to help Turkish and Armenian groups develop joint projects.

Tags: turkey, non-state pd, civil society, armenia

Partnering to Strengthen Labs in Liberia

Captain Gabrielle Caldara, of USARAF's command surgeon's office and Major Mike Walter of USAMRU-K joined for a weeklong partnership in Monrovia, Liberia. Their goal was to assess the AFL's laboratory needs to look for ways that U.S. Army medical personnel can help their Liberian counterparts, Caldara said.

Tags: united states, science diplomacy, africa, africom, liberia


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