A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

No Hope and Little Change

For an Administration that started with the premise of improving relations with the “Muslim world,” as President Obama likes to put it, the results of the 2010 Arab Opinion Poll should be deeply disappointing. Having experienced soaring hopes for the dawning of a new era in U.S.-Arab relations, Arabs are now reacting with bitterness to the fact that no change has taken place.

Tags: soft power, middle east, government pd, public opinion, barack obama, judith mchale

Pakistan floods: an emergency for the West

Unless we act decisively, large parts of flood-stricken Pakistan will be taken over by the Taliban, writes Ahmed Rashid...Pakistan's floods have not just devastated the lives of millions of people, they now present an unparalleled national security challenge for the country, the region and the international community.

Tags: government pd, pakistan, aid diplomacy, pakistan flooding, taliban, nuclear weapons

When Does Public Opinion Count?

Writing on the recent unrest in Kyrgyzstan, James Kirchick ruminated on the dangers of over-looking the people in favor of the autocrats who lead them...

Tags: middle east, public opinion, leadership

India sets Aug. 31 deadline for BlackBerry info

India's Home Ministry threatened Thursday to block BlackBerry corporate e-mail and messaging services unless the device's manufacturer, Research In Motion Ltd., makes them accessible to its security agencies by Aug. 31.

Tags: india, new technology, non-state pd, blackberry, research in motion

US Marines arrive to help Pakistan flood survivors

A shipload of U.S. Marines and helicopters arrived to boost relief efforts in flooded Pakistan on Thursday, but the prime minister told The Associated Press his country needs more international help to cope with one of the worst natural disasters in its history.

Tags: united states, government pd, pakistan, aid diplomacy, military, disaster relief

French-Saudi Relations: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

The indefinite postponement of Saudi King Abdullah's scheduled visit to the French capital last month does not bode well for France's efforts to considerably raise its profile in the Gulf Cooperation Council, and it could well dampen the supposed gains made by French President Nicolas Sarkozy's two visits to the desert kingdom last year.

Tags: government pd, public opinion, france, saudi arabia

West Bank: same goal, different weapon

Putting down their guns, some residents of Jenin turn to art in their fight against Israel.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, israel, palestine, film diplomacy, west bank

Italy-Japan Association cultural exchange trip brings Bologna students to Japan

A private organization has invited Italian college students to Japan in an attempt to foster cultural exchange between the two countries...The organization, which had mainly offered Italian language and cultural courses for Japanese people, invited the Italian students in a bid to promote bilateral cultural exchange.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, non-state pd, japan, language, educational exchange, italy


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