nuclear energy

November 13, 2011

However, the fact that Israel’s president Shimon Peres now calls military action “more and more likely” suggests that, regardless of the eventual decision, Israel has embarked on a public diplomacy campaign intended to seize international attention.

The ROK, with its twenty nuclear plants, currently generates 35 per cent of its electricity needs. It is keen to export its nuclear technology to fast developing countries like India. Seoul also aims to export as many as 80 nuclear reactors to various countries by 2030.

After securing a mega-sized nuclear contract with the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Korea is pushing to form a closer partnership with the Middle Eastern country including providing education to foster a highly skilled workforce.

New Delhi continues to voice support for Iran’s right to civil nuclear energy, and officials publicly say they do not think sanctions are the best way to persuade Iran to give up its clandestine nuclear-weapons program. Instead, New Delhi has urged negotiations between the West and Tehran.