
Pakistan's image, though still evolving, is increasingly defined by the achievements and contributions of its people, both within Pakistan and its global diaspora.
A broadcast microphone complete with pop guard in an audio sound booth by ContentWorks via

Geoff Heriot's book, International Broadcasting and its Contested Role in Australian Statecraft: Middle Power, Smart Power, showcases impressive intellectual breadth.

Book cover via UWA Publishing

Geoffrey Wiseman reviews the book Not Always Diplomatic: An Australian Woman’s Journey through international affairs (2020) by Sue Boyd. 

Fiji’s national women’s rugby union team, the Fijiana, joining the Australian Super W team, the Queensland Red’s in a friendly tour of Australia in early 2020. (Credit: Oceania Rugby)

Sarah Leary of Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade recaps a new regional sports PD initiative.

Damien Spry on Australia's strategic international Facebook strategy.

Diplomatic spouses and partners offer powerful PD resources, write Michael Edward Walsh and Britt Spyrou. 

Australia has been both on the inside and the outside of the political environment in Asia. How will China influence the country's role in the region?

Key public diplomacy principles can help foster mutual understanding across faiths in Australia, write Bond University's Scott Blakemore and Jane Andrews.
