A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

PD Magazine Tackles Human Rights Advocacy

As the field of public diplomacy expands, there is a great need to engage with the diverse actors who shape the discipline in theory as well as practice. Like any emerging discipline, public diplomacy can be referenced in a number of different publications, but having a forum entirely dedicated to this one subject is immensely beneficial.

Tags: non-state pd, human rights

Afghanistan war: What the Taliban is doing about its image problem

The Taliban is proposing a joint commission to investigate civilian casualties in Afghanistan. The move reveals that the militants are growing more concerned about their image in a war where the population’s loyalty is hotly contested

Tags: public opinion, afghanistan, taliban

China’s global influence increases

While voices in China continue to be raised against American naval exercises near the China coast and asserting Beijing's increased influence in global affairs, other voices are now being heard questioning the wisdom of China's increasing assertiveness.

Tags: china, united states, government pd, south korea, military

India, Mexico agree to cooperate in tourism sector

India and Mexico today agreed to promote cooperation between the two countries in the tourism sector and look at renewing the agreement they signed in this regard in 1996.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, india, tourism, mexico

Obama Administration Spending $63 Billion on ‘Woman-Centered’ Global Health Care Program

The Obama administration is focused not just on health-care reform in the United States – but also on improving health care systems around the world, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced on Monday.

Tags: united states, government pd, hillary clinton, global health

Messy Digital Diplomacy

This month, the Obama Administration's much-evangelized '21st century statecraft' approach has returned to the headlines...

Tags: new technology, hillary clinton, twitter, digital diplomacy

Opinion: Bigotry at Ground Zero

The controversy over a mosque close to the World Trade Center site in New York City has swept through the country like a summer storm...It is a controversy that can do irreparable harm to United States foreign policy and its struggle against Islamic extremism. For it punctures the image the United States was trying so hard to project: that America is a place where Muslims can freely worship and co-exist with other religions in peace and harmony; that Islam can coexist with modernity and tolerance

Tags: united states, soft power, public opinion, islam, cordoba house

U.S. Said to Plan Easing Rules for Travel to Cuba

The Obama administration is planning to expand opportunities for Americans to travel to Cuba, the latest step aimed at encouraging more contact between people in both countries, while leaving intact the decades-old embargo against the island’s Communist government, according to Congressional and administration officials.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, cultural exchange, people-to-people, cuba, academic exchange


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