A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Muslim Woman Sues Disneyland Over Hijab

A Muslim woman is suing Disneyland acusing the California theme park of refusing to allow her to work in front of customers while wearing a hijab or head scarf.

Tags: united states, public opinion, islam

Does America Have a Muslim Problem?

As the debate has grown more heated, Park51, as the proposed Muslim cultural center and mosque two blocks from Ground Zero is called, has become a litmus test for everything from private-property rights to religious tolerance. But it is plain that many of Park51's opponents are motivated by deep-seated Islamophobia.

Tags: united states, Cultural Diplomacy, public opinion, islam, ground zero mosque

Taiwan colleges to admit Chinese students in latest example of warming ties

Taiwan's legislature approved a bill Thursday to allow Chinese students to study at local universities, dismantling another barrier in a bid to further ease hostilities between the once-bitter rivals. The bill, to take effect in early 2011, will allow local colleges to admit up to 2,000 mainland students a year to enrol in all areas except military, police and security-related studies.

Tags: china, government pd, taiwan, asia pacific, education diplomacy

Chinese ambassador hails cultural exchange with Tanzania

China and Tanzania enjoys deep and traditional friendship with richer and richer cultural exchanges between the two countries, a senior Chinese diplomat said in Dar Es Salaam,on Thursday. Liu Xinsheng, Chinese ambassador to Tanzania, made the remarks at the opening ceremony of the exhibition of "Henan in the Eyes of World Photographers", stressing the role of cultural exchange in enhancing the bilateral relations.

Tags: china, Cultural Diplomacy, government pd, tanzania

Flood-hit Pakistan dithers over India aid offer

Pakistan said on Thursday it is still mulling over India's offer of aid for flood-affected communities, despite a serious shortage of funds hampering Islamabad's ability to provide relief to the eight million people in need...India last week offered $5 million, but a Pakistani diplomat said Islamabad has not yet decided whether to accept, despite the massive scale of the flooding and its lack of resources to respond effectively.

Tags: government pd, india, pakistan, public opinion, aid diplomacy, india-pakistan relations, pakistan flooding, disaster relief

Analysis: Gulf Arab BlackBerry row highlights security fears

Disputes between Gulf Arab states and the maker of the Blackberry smartphone over access to encrypted communications highlight a growing nervousness over looming regional security threats, from Iran to al Qaeda.

Tags: government pd, iran, new technology, non-state pd, canada, saudi arabia, united arab emirates, blackberry, research in motion

Top UN official urges young people to use their voices to promote understanding

The second annual Global Model United Nations conference, bringing together hundreds of students from more than 60 countries, wrapped up in the Malaysian capital today with a call by a senior official from the world body for greater dialogue and understanding.

Tags: non-state actors, non-state pd, united nations, youth, cultural understanding

U.S. support for Israel is decreasing, new poll shows

American support for Israel is waning, a poll presented to senior Israeli officials in Jerusalem last week revealed. The survey was carried out by pollster and strategist Stanley Greenberg and sponsored by the American Jewish organization the Israel Project...

Tags: united states, public opinion, non-state actors, israel


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