A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Angelina Jolie Supports Education In Bosnia For Those Displaced In ‘90s War

A top official in Bosnia said Saturday that Angelina Jolie is interested in supporting education and other projects to help young Bosnians and people who return to homes they left during the war.

Tags: celebrity diplomacy, bosnia-herzegovina, angelina jolie

China’s soft power set for global audience

Last December the Beijing-based China Heaven Creation International Performing Arts Company purchased the White House Theater in Branson, a small town in the US Midwest and a popular destination for American vacationers.

Tags: beijing olympics, china heaven creation

Israeli and Palestinian leaders to be invited to U.S. for peace talks

World leaders are planning to invite Israeli and Palestinian officials to Washington in September to begin direct Middle East peace talks, a U.S. official confirmed Thursday.

Tags: israel, palestine, shuttle diplomacy

Pakistani Women Cope with Flood’s Aftermath

Catholic Relief Services teams are navigating landslides and flood-destroyed roads to get aid to Pakistan's most needy families, including widows like Hajraiba. Included in the emergency kits are plastic sheeting to create temporary shelters, sleeping mats, cookware and a covered bucket for water storage.

Tags: pakistan, faith diplomacy

Pakistan accepts flood aid money from rival India

Pakistan has accepted an offer of $5 million of flood aid from neighbor and longtime rival India, in a move that could spark a political backlash at home. In an interview with Indian news channel NDTV, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi described the offer of aid, made last week, as a “very welcome initiative."

Tags: pakistan, aid diplomacy, humanitarian aid

Is Ground Zero mosque part of culture war or symbol of tolerance?

Most of the opponents of the so-called Ground Zero mosque, scheduled for construction two blocks from the old World Trade Center in Manhattan, say their objections are largely out respect for the dead and concern for the families who have spent the past nine years trying to rebuild their lives.

Tags: ground zero mosque

South begins blocking North Korean Twitter account

South Korea has begun blocking access to a Twitter account operated by a North Korean Web site.The site, Uriminzokkiri, launched the Twitter feed @uriminzok last week and has been providing Korean-language headlines and links to propaganda-heavy news items on its home page. It's launch was widely reported and the publicity has brought it more than 9,000 followers in the week since it launched.

Tags: twitter, north korea

When The Right Thing To Do Isn’t The Right Public Diplomacy Thing To Do

United States Secretary of State Hillary Clinton recently pledged that the U.S. would provide long-term support to Pakistanis affected by historic, devastating floods...My own view, in a nutshell, is that this is not a public diplomacy issue. It’s a humanitarian issue. We in the West should find every way to relieve the immense suffering in that unstable but crucial nation, simply because it’s the right thing to do, not because we can expect to score points or to keep the Pakistani Taliban from scoring points.

Tags: united states, government pd, pakistan, pakistan flooding, humanitarian aid


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