A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

North Korea floods prompt rare media candor

North Korea's floods have received a flurry of media attention that appears aimed at burnishing the crisis-management skills of 'dear leader' Kim Jong-il – and bolstering his son's prestige as Kim's eventual successor.

Tags: china, media, government pd, north korea, disaster relief

Karen Hughes: Move the New York City mosque, as a sign of unity

The national debate about building a mosque near Ground Zero in New York is less about our freedom of religion than about the common sense and uncommon courtesy sometimes required to come together as Americans.

Tags: barack obama, ground zero mosque, park51

Proposed Restrictions on the News Media Cause Alarm in South Africa

After spending billions of dollars to successfully host the World Cup — and reveling in how the monthlong global coverage burnished the country’s reputation as a democratic beacon — the government is finding that it has created a major public relations problem.

Tags: media, government pd, public opinion, south africa

Flood aid for Pak people, not politics

Aid has been associated with diplomacy, and often with the projection of soft power. In the context of India-Pakistan relations, however, there has never been an eventuality for such a case to arise.

Tags: pakistan, aid diplomacy

A hardening of the Canadian heart

The debate over immigration policy has already taken a hard right turn in Australia after boatloads of Sri Lankan Tamils washed up on its shores.

Tags: canada, sri lanka, refugees, tamil tigers

Cultivating National Image at the Expo: A Balancing Act

As a venue for public diplomacy, the World Expo is highly valued yet under-analyzed. This is particularly true of the current Expo in Shanghai. For many countries, Shanghai Expo is the most expensive and arguably the most important one they have ever attended.

Tags: china, nation branding, shanghai expo

Good information comes from the field

The State of Israel fights every single day for its image and reputation in the world’s eyes. We experienced this even more brutally after significant events such as the Goldstone Report and the flotilla episode.


For China, Will Money Bring Power?

“When China awakes,” Napoleon is said to have warned, “the world will tremble.” For more than a century and a half after his time, that prospect seemed remote.

Tags: soft power, niall ferguson


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