
A former editor describes his time at Hi magazine, the U.S. government-funded, Arabic-language publication that aimed to win hearts and minds in the Middle East.

A new start-up turns refugees into global Arabic tutors.
As part of its marketing, Sodastream created a campaign to show the cooperation between Arabs and Jews in the factory. In its initial phase, the company posted several untranslated versions to Facebook. But after requests from the Swedish and Jordanian embassies – which wanted to use it for their public diplomacy efforts – Sodastream translated the clips to English and Arabic and paid for their promotion.
New bureau will tackle online incitement by locating content harmful to Israel while also engaging in advocacy and dialogue. [...] The new team will include between eight to ten people, all fluent in Arabic and who a have a background in the Arab world. It will operate under the auspices of the Public Diplomacy Department.
Finland's foreign ministry has launched a set of official emojis, and a once-ubiquitous Nokia handset is among them. More than 30 icons will be available for people to download, representing "important things associated with Finland", the ministry says.
Arguing that it had a mission to uphold the values of “democracy and liberty”, the corporation said it would set up new shortwave services to broadcast into those countries with a deficit of both, namely North Korea, Eritrea, and Ethiopia. It will boost its digital presence in Russia, where it may set up a satellite-television channel, and beef up its Arabic service.