
Listen to the sounds of Jinda Kanjo, a Kurdish vocalist and OneBeat fellow who engages Kurdish, Syrian and Turkish youth through music.

According to Markos Kounalakis, without a defined foreign policy, the United States' influence in Africa is likely to decline.
By far the greatest burden of receiving Syria’s refugees has fallen not on the United States or on Europe, but on Syria’s neighbors: Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. Together, these countries are hosting most of the five million Syrians. [...] The Turkish city of Gaziantep sets an example in treating refugees humanely. [...] Refugees are allowed to work and have access to free health care and schools, and the government has repeatedly committed to creating a pathway to Turkish citizenship.
This week, Scouts of Syria will become an official member of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts, while Arabic could become the organization’s fourth official language – following English, French and Spanish.

The latest in cultural diplomacy news and events.
Two million spectators visited the 3D replica of Syria’s historic Palmyra Arch of Triumph in just two days as it made its fourth stop in the Italian city of Arona, Sicily, on the sidelines of the G7 summit.
Following World Refugee Day, a look at how some refugees practice cultural exchange through cuisine.