A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Envoys looking to influence foreign policy

There are around 200 former ambassadors who are still actively involved in social and diplomatic activities and they are still part of Jakarta’s diplomacy scene. The forum is looking to accommodate the experience and insight of ambassadors so that the ministry can reach out to a wider society.

Tags: indonesia

State opens new office to combat global hunger

Amb. Patricia Haslach, a former assistant chief of mission at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, will serve as the deputy coordinator for diplomacy, and William Garvelink, U.S. ambassador to the Democratic Republic of Congo, will serve as the deputy coordinator for development, in the new office, starting in May, according to a memo issued by the secretary of state's office today.

Tags: us department of state

Model Nation™

In a world where public diplomacy is critical, Canada needs to brand itself in order to stand out... Over the last three decades, the globalization and the communications revolutions have created the most striking transformation of society since the Industrial Revolution.

Tags: nation branding, canada

Obama talks less of terror in outreach to Muslims

Less talk about "Islamic radicalism" and a lot more about doing business. In the year since President Barack Obama pledged a new beginning in the relationship with the Muslim world, the White House has begun to change the U.S. focus.

Tags: united states, islam

Shanghai Expo to be platform for world to know China better‎

The Expo 2010 Shanghai China is expected to reflect today's real picture of China's economic development and national strength and help rectify the wrong perception others have on it.

Tags: china

Iran’s Cultural Diplomacy and its Cultural Centers

Considering the current relationship between the countries, it is not odd for the United States to be cautious of Iran's cultural influence, but one should be aware of the fact that Iran's approach to public diplomacy and its infrastructure is much different from a simple image-making or policy advocacy method.

Tags: iran

Opinion: Hello, NATO, goodbye

Amid problems with fragile economies across the globe and regional strife from Africa to central Asia it might escape notice that NATO, a cornerstone of United States strategic power for six decades, has begun to crumble.

Tags: united states, nato

Experts skeptical as Obama creeps toward his nuclear-free utopia

The presidents of the United States and Russia will sign a new arms reduction agreement in Prague on Thursday signalling a willingness to rid the world of nuclear weapons. But experts on the whole are disappointed.

Tags: united states, russia


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