A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Pakistan says it is ‘satisfied’ with U.S. pledges on aid delivery

Pakistan said Wednesday that it was satisfied with U.S. pledges, made during a day-long strategic conference in Washington, to increase and streamline the delivery of military and economic aid and to "move from a relationship to a partnership."


Russia and U.S. Report Breakthrough on Arms

The United States and Russia have broken a logjam in arms control negotiations and expect to sign a treaty next month to slash their nuclear arsenals to the lowest levels in half a century, officials in both nations said Wednesday.


Reinventing America’s smart power

American public diplomacy is being devitalized, more than ever at a time when "developing countries have lost interest in the old Washington Consensus that promoted democracy and liberal economics," says Anatole Kaletsky of the Times, "governments and business leaders are talking about the new Beijing Consensus-the Chinese route to prosperity and power."


Israeli pavilion at expo 2010

24 meters in height, the 1200 square meter pavilion is built on a 2000 square meter site and its construction is nearing completion. the structure consists of two architectural curvilinear forms which hug each other like two hands or two shells, symbolizing a quiet conversation between man and earth, man and man, nation and nation.

Tags: china, shanghai expo, israel

China reluctant to claim superpower role

However, while being politically correct and saying, as Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi did recently, that “China's diplomacy is people's diplomacy,” Chinese diplomats are at pains to rein in excessive public exuberance regarding the country's growing role in the world.


Art Dubai

The art scene in Dubai is small, largely because funding isn't available for full time artists. We had a very interesting talk about art in Dubai and how it could act as a public diplomacy tool for Dubai itself. The representative from the Ministry of Culture explained that until Dubai knows its own culture, it will be difficult for it to export it.


Insurgent Faction Presents Afghan Peace Plan

Representatives of a major insurgent faction have presented a formal 15-point peace plan to the Afghan government, the first concrete proposal to end hostilities since President Hamid Karzai said he would make reconciliation a priority after his re-election last year.


Korea Delivering on its Brand Promises

We at Branding Korea believe this awareness-raising approach is a sound starting point since it resonates with the need for Korea to be known as a country before being a tourist destination. If the desire to travel is materialized, then the Korea brand promise can be experienced while the tourist is in Korea and may be inspired by intangible assets and values such as spirituality, dynamism and friendliness.

Tags: korea


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