A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The Role of Cultural Relations in Conflict Prevention and Resolution

The purpose [of the conference] was to discuss the value of building dialogues between groups that can be non-linguistic – such as sport, art, or civic development – to create opportunities for engagement, understanding, [and] preventing and resolving conflict.


Kyrgystan backsliding on press freedom

RE: Krygystan- In addition to the increase in violent attacks against reporters, we are concerned about a recent wave of official intimidation of private broadcasters to drop critical programming, the blocking of internal access to independent news Web sites, and the suspension of independent newspapers in retaliation for their coverage of anti-government protests and corruption.


How Cellphones Change Lives

Women in those countries have testified that there are wide-ranging benefits that simply owning a mobile phone brings to their lives. In parts of the world where there are few if any landlines (indeed, the emerging, almost universal nature of mobile coverage means these networks will never be built), nine out of 10 women said a mobile phone made them feel safer, and almost as many said it made them feel more independent.


Dance Brings U.S. Diplomacy to New Audiences

By the end of March, three outstanding American modern dance companies will have completed tours through Asia, Africa, and Latin America as part of a new pilot program, DanceMotion USA, developed by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) in partnership with the Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM).


Ethiopia: an aid success story or a tyranny?

This potent combination of need and hope has made Ethiopia one of the biggest recipients of foreign aid in the world, and the second-biggest recipient of British aid.

Tags: africa

A three-party deal to divide the Middle East?

And even though Tehran is trying to track the Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan, this is perhaps meant to maximise its presence in the region to rise to the level of being a "partner in dividing the cake of influence in the Middle East".

Tags: united states, middle east

The Dangerous Bias of the United Nations Goldstone Report

Last year's report by the U.N. Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza War, known more popularly as the Goldstone Report, is not going away. Originally, it was the initiative of the Geneva-based U.N. Human Rights Council, which named South African Justice Richard Goldstone to head it.

Tags: israel

Beyond Google’s clash with China, we must find rules for a global village

Google versus China is a defining story of our time. Like lion confronting crocodile, the global soft power of the American internet company faces the territorial hard power of the Chinese state.

Tags: china, soft power


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