A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Secretary-general of “Africa House” in Spain expected in Luanda

The secretary-general of Africa House in Spain is expected this Tuesday in Luanda, for a two-day working visit to Angola. The Africa House is an instrument of public diplomacy at the service of the Spanish state’s exterior action, thus acting as a partner in the ambit of the Spanish government’s Africa Plan.


Exclusive: So Much for Restoring our International Reputation

After starting the week by ignoring and insulting allies and ending it by ignoring the insults of America’s enemies, the White House has demonstrated pretty clearly that it is much more interested in promoting its political agenda at home than dealing with nation’s interests abroad.


Public Diplomacy and Strategic Communications Review: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight

Today, new informational and ideological challenges to American leadership have arisen. Furthermore, the media environment has become far more competitive and diverse. If there was ever a time that called out for a new and sophisticated U.S. public diplomacy doctrine, this is it.

Tags: united states, congress

A new approach to China: an update

So earlier today we stopped censoring our search services—Google Search, Google News, and Google Images—on Google.cn. Users visiting Google.cn are now being redirected to Google.com.hk, where we are offering uncensored search in simplified Chinese, specifically designed for users in mainland China and delivered via our servers in Hong Kong.


Program works to promote Paraguay, U.S. exchange

In international volunteer organization, Kansas Paraguay Partners, discussed the progress of their work in an annual meeting on March 13 in the K-State Student Union. Volunteers from the group are organized in 10 committees that are involved in projects from different areas, including conservation, civil society, health education, and cultural exchange, which have served both Kansas and Paraguay.


U.S. and Vietnam borrow sounds from each other in music exchange

This year marks the 15th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Vietnam. The country is still a tender land, but the Vietnamese have long known how to profit from their various invaders over the past millennium.American tourists, for instance, are now targets for hawkers of Viet Cong souvenirs around Hanoi's Opera House.


A Russian Educator’s Deep Love for China

Irina Khaleyeva, rector of the Moscow State Linguistics University (MSLU), has a deep love for China and worked all along to promote the teaching of the Chinese language in her school. Her face softened when she talked about her connections with China.


Stevenson College Moves Forward in Saudi Arabia

Following a successful visit to Saudi Arabia in January, four senior trainers from Stevenson College Edinburgh (SCE) will make a return visit to Riyadh this month to deliver Quality Assurance training to the Kingdom’s Technical and Vocational Training Corporation (TVTC).



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