A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

The European Union is on Monday set to announce it intends to take action to “put an end” to satelli

The European Union is on Monday set to announce it intends to take action to "put an end" to satellite jamming and internet censorship in Iran. Foreign ministers from EU member states meeting in Brussels will issue a declaration that notes with "grave concern" the measures taken by Iranian authorities in recent months to prevent its citizens from accessing certain content via TV, satellite, mobile phone and the internet.


Iran’s Next (Literal) Tectonic Shift

First, the Treasury Department could issue a general license authorizing American engineers and workers to provide earthquake preparedness assistance on the ground in Iran.Obviously, this shouldn't apply to military bunkers or underground nuclear facilities, but should at the very least apply to elementary schools and cancer hospitals.


It’s our turn to help in Haiti

Indians have sensed this moment, and are taking their cue from Tharoor. Mumbai, India's most cosmopolitan city, has led the way. The Mumbai-based Mahindra Group, whose dealership in the Haitian capital was damaged, donated two trucks and two tractors for relief efforts in short order. And citizens are stepping in.


The War on Drugs Is Doomed

...Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will lead a delegation to Mexico tomorrow to talk with officials there about efforts to fight the mob violence that is being generated in Mexico by the war on drugs. U.S. recognition of this shared problem is healthy.

Tags: united states, hillary clinton, mexico

Kingdom Kim’s Culinary Outposts

While a visit to the reclusive Democratic People's Republic of Korea is next to impossible for most, Pyongyang offers casual diners a window into Kingdom Kim, an elaborate combination of food and culture from north of the 38th parallel.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy, north korea

Mexico’s Brazil Envy: Hoping History is not Destiny

Calderón raised eyebrows, however, when, to emphasize his point, he mentioned Brazil, saying the emerging South American power is perceived abroad in far more favorable terms than Mexico, in part because its own citizens speak well of it.

Tags: brazil, mexico

America’s reputation in the age of Obama

At times this focus is highly favorable, but in other times and places it can be quite negative. Thus the views of people in one country may be highly positive, while those in another country see America in the opposite light.

Tags: united states

Reaction to the new US Public Diplomacy Strategy – Part I

Simply put, the document reads too much as a dated conception of message management designed to counter or compete with the actions of other actors like China, Russia, and extremists groups. Aren’t US public diplomacy planners done with the “there’s a media war going on” kind of talk?

Tags: united states


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