A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Remedial Diplomacy

Barack Obama’s theory is that partisanship is the source of conflict. There should be no more red states or blue states. Every political choice is a false choice, an example of old thinking. Similarly on the international stage. If the United States distanced itself from its allies and drew closer to its adversaries, conflict would be reduced.


U.S. sees food security as next big Africa push

The Obama administration will put food security at the heart of its Africa policy, as it seeks to enhance ongoing U.S. efforts on trade, investment and HIV/AIDS on the continent, a top U.S. diplomat said.

Tags: united states, africa

EU slams Iran’s jamming of satellite signals as ‘unacceptable’

European Union foreign ministers have urged Iran to stop jamming satellite signals that have affected transmissions by several Western broadcasters, including Deutsche Welle and the BBC.

Tags: international broadcasting, iran, european union

To Russia With Social Media

The Russians thought that the way forward was to give tech companies some money and put them near a great university. Presto: a new silicon valley. For their part, the American delegation assumed that you could pour in some social networking and create a civil society.

Tags: united states, russia, new technology, us department of state

New Report Calls for Healthier, Safer, More Prosperous World

A new report says the United States can advance its interests around the world by investing in a strategic global health policy. It says besides saving lives, a new policy could bolster national security and build new partnerships.

Tags: united states, global health

Preservation by Design: Safeguarding the World’s Cultural Heritage…

The 77 images, which have never been seen by the general public, contain works by talented local photographers living in or near archaeological and cultural sites in China, Colombia, India, Peru, and Turkey.

Tags: Cultural Diplomacy

Pak-US dialogue touted as ‘intensification’ of partnership

US President Barack Obama's administration has promised to engage more deeply with Pakistan, which has long seen Washington as interested only in securing its military cooperation in the fight against the Taliban and al Qaeda.

Tags: united states, pakistan

Oda Highlights Importance of Cervantes Institute for Spain

He says market research and surveys show that the Spanish language is Spain's best known product and the one for which the highest demand exists outside the country.

Tags: soft power, Cultural Diplomacy, spain, instituto cervantes


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