A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Israel to use ‘ordinary’ people for PR

After trying almost everything possible in its efforts to improve Israel’s image internationally, the government will embark on a new strategy Wednesday by training ordinary Israelis to represent the country abroad.


Divisions run deep despite India and Pakistan’s return to talks

The upcoming talks between India and Pakistan in New Delhi are the first since the November 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks. But while they signify an easing of tensions between the neighbours, the underlying issues remain unresolved.


President Gül to visit Central African countries next month

President Abdullah Gül is preparing to tour Central Africa in March to support the further development of Ankara’s political, economic and cultural ties with the continent.


Hand of diplomacy not working, Obama may get tougher on Iran

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's new description of Iran as a budding "military dictatorship" opens a new, more confrontational chapter in the Obama administration's dealings with Iran and indicates that a year's worth of attempts to engage Tehran have failed for now.


The cute and cuddly side of Chinese diplomacy

Though born in captivity in the US, Tai Shan and Mei Lan are regarded internationally, in common with all members of their species, as no less Chinese than the president, Hu Jintao. Their delivery to the People’s Republic was the product of an amicable arrangement between Washington and Beijing.


Silicon Valley luminaries become technology ambassadors to Russia

Silicon Valley is playing a much larger role in international diplomacy in the Obama administration than in the Bush administration. That’s in large part thanks to Jared Cohen, who has played a role in both.


Kim Jong Il Birthday Marked with Signs of Diplomacy

Kim Yong Nam, president of North Korea's parliament... emphasized what he calls the need "to put an end to the hostile relations" between his country and the United States, and to develop "neighborly and friendly relations with other countries."


Japan and the Art of Apology

While the words “sorry” or “comfort women” were never uttered, news of another official Japanese apology spread quickly throughout East Asia. While apologies for heinous behavior have rarely hurt relations, Japan is treading thin ice with the South Korean people because of its inability to turn its apologetic rhetoric into action.



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