A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Unique concert blends traditions and cultures

UK’s international organization for educational opportunities and cultural relations presented a delightful bouquet of melody and rhythm titled ‘Flavours of Sound’, a contemporary reimagining of Musical Traditions from the UK and the Arabian Peninsula at the Al Maidan Cultural Centre.


South Africa: Can 2010 Tourism Snatch Victory From Jaws of Defeat?

As international tour operators report 25-year low bookings of FIFA World Cup travel packages and local organisers fear profiteering could deter more soccer fans than alarmist reporting about violent crime, is there any way that 2010 tourism can be salvaged with just over 100 days to go?


As Saudi Women Meet Clinton, No Talk of Rights

Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton spoke to young women at a Saudi women’s college here on Tuesday, the site of a spirited exchange five years ago with a female official of the Bush administration over the rights of women in Saudi Arabia.


Policy Makers Seek to Boost Culture of Research

Nearly 40 senior policy makers from higher education ministries, university heads and research and technology directors from across the Gulf region and the UK assembled on Monday in Al Ain to discuss ways to boost the culture of research that drives technological advancements and economic growth.


Forum puts faith in religious leaders

The US-Islamic World Forum which concluded yesterday called on the religious leaders to play a significant role by launching diplomatic initiatives among others to end violence against humanity at different levels. Bishop Chane urged spiritual leaders to confront and end all sorts of religious extremism.


The stars are aligned

It's one of the most remarkable campaigns the subcontinent has seen: a joint peace initiative run by the Times of India, India's most powerful media empire, and the Jang group, Pakistan's most influential media group. Their joint 'Aman ki Asha' (Hope for Peace) initiative looks to develop a stronger Track II channel in the diplomatic and cultural relations between India and Pakistan.


Global Health Diplomacy and the Muslim World: How Haiti Will Heal Us

First articulated by Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson, global health diplomacy usually encompasses acts of service from one nation to another... Yet global health diplomacy is also at work when individuals engage in acts of public service.


‘Bibimbap’ Patriotism

Korea can promote its international image, but it cannot decide its international footing. Rather, those who are not Koreans will be the judges. That's the mysterious thing about image engineering ― one's efforts to improve can sometimes produce completely the opposite result, when it is not communicated appropriately.



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