A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

“Operation Titstorm” hackers declare cyber war on Australia

Australia is poised to introduce some of the most severe internet restrictions in the democratic world – and the hackers don’t like it. Yesterday they vented their ire on government websites, shutting them down in co-ordinated attacks and plastering the Prime Minister’s home page with pornography.


South Africa: Mandela marks 20 years of freedom

South African lawmakers sang Nelson Mandela's praises Thursday as the anti-apartheid icon settled into parliament's public gallery for a State of the Nation address scheduled in tribute to his 20 years of freedom. Mandela was released in 1990 after spending 27 years in prison and went on to lead South Africa through the last stretch of a stunning, peaceful revolution from apartheid to democracy.


Israel rerouting barrier near West Bank village

Weekly protests near Bilin have become a symbol of the Palestinians' struggle against the barrier's encroachment on West Bank land, which they claim for their future state. Six protesters have been killed and dozens injured in clashes with Israeli forces over it.


Japan apologizes for colonial rule of Korea

Japanese Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada on Thursday apologized to South Korea for the more than three decades when Japan ruled over Korea, calling the time a "tragic incident." "I believe it was a tragic incident for Koreans when they were deprived of their nation and their identity," Okada said.


After Iran Failure, Obama Moves on to Plan B

When Iran announced this week that it would start enriching its uranium stockpiles to 20 percent -- a level much closer to that needed for nuclear weapons production -- it closed the first chapter in the history of the Obama administration's foreign policy. That chapter has ended in failure.


Turn east, Lady Ashton

Take the optimistic point that Ukraine’s elections are now unlike Russia’s. True, Ukrainian voters had a real choice in that country’s recent presidential poll. The incumbent, Viktor Yushchenko, gave up power peacefully. (In Russia, he might have handed power over to an ex-spook, amid bogus terrorist attacks to panic the public into accepting authoritarian rule).


Radio Taiwan International starts daily webcast

The webcast will include news analysis (a program called Think Tank), the editorial Taiwan Perspectives and features on prominent topical figures in Newmakers. In addition, there are two new feature programs: Soft Power and In Mystical Taiwan.


New insights on Finland’s country branding program

Some 80 guests and friends of Finland gathered on a sunny October 14th afternoon at Dutch Zoetermeer to hear a panel discussion about the theme “Finland Country Branding”. The purpose of the event was to raise awareness about the ongoing country branding project in Finland and create discussion around the theme among the Finnish-minded business.



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