A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Cross-border tours to resume to save North Korea’s economy

Officials from the two Koreas met today to discuss ways to revive the imploding economy of North Korea. Cross-border tours by South Koreans are seen as one possible way.


Obama visit ‘opens doors for RI’

While preparation for the visit of US President Barack Obama is underway a month before he lands in Jakarta, analysts have urged President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono to use the momentum to get assurances the US can help Indonesia, especially in the field of research and technology.


Barcelona offers to beautify Delhi for 2010 Games

The city of Barcelona, which has hosted a successful Olympic Games, offered its cooperation and expertise in beautifying Delhi before the Commonwealth Games starting on October 3.


Why cultural relations? It’s the Welsh economy, stupid

I'm en route to Wales to meet ministers and talk about how the British Council is helping and can further help in Wales' economic and cultural renaissance. The British Council is 100% for and from the whole UK and we are really proud of that.


Sudan: U.S. Worried As Southern Region Heads for Secession

Officials and advocates alike fear that East Africa's largest country may again be convulsed by violence after a concerted, protracted and ultimately successful US-led effort to end 20 years of disastrous fighting.


FM: Europe tour gives good start to China’s diplomacy in 2010

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said Friday that his Europe tour marked a good start for China's diplomacy in 2010 by conducting a flurry of bilateral and multilateral talks.


Diplomats Urged to Have Salesman Spirit

The government called on South Korean diplomatic mission chiefs abroad, Monday, to have a business mentality... "What the people want most from the government is support for employment and business operations abroad, according to a 2009 survey by the ministry," Yu said.


Iran and Turkey to boost cultural ties

Iran’s Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hosseini in his recent visit to Turkey met his Turkish counterpart Ertugrul Gunay and they both stressed on developing increased cultural ties.



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