A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Why Antagonize China?

While attempting to appease a long list of utterly unappeasable foes—Iran, North Korea, Hamas, Hezbollah, and even Hugo Chávez—today the U.S. treats China, perhaps our most crucial economic partner, as an adversary because it defies us on global warming, dollar devaluation, and Internet policy.


China could block sanctions against Iran

China on Thursday threw a roadblock in the path of a U.S.-led push for sanctions against Iran, saying that it is important to continue negotiations as long as Iran appears willing to consider a deal to give up some of its enriched uranium.


Israeli Minister Adds Heat to Exchange With Syria

Israel’s blunt-talking foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, warned Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, on Thursday that the Assad family would lose power in any war with Israel, ratcheting up bellicose exchanges between the countries in recent days.


Armenia and Turkey: The truce in need of a rescue

For a while, it looked like the start of a great reconciliation. Armenia and Turkey have lived beneath the vast shadow of the mass murder of Armenians in eastern Turkey during World War I, and to this day they maintain no diplomatic ties.


Picture something different

Recently, however, Israel emerged on the television screens in a different context, for a while being the darling of the media. Responding to the terrible tragedy of the Haiti earthquake, Israel rushed to help, and in record time was the first to establish in the stricken island, thousands of miles away, the most sophisticated field hospital, thus saving many lives.


What is Nation Branding?

The images we have about a country impact a lot on how we view it as a tourism destination, a place to invest in, and a place from which to buy the brands we so love. In today’s globalised marketplace the battle for tourism, exports, and inward investment is intensifying as brands have become more and more the vehicles for communicating national identities.


Bollywood as India’s soft power?

To explain soft power of a nation in particular, very briefly, is the ability of a region (I defer from using the word country) to influence another region and obtain what it wants, through co-option, in the form of its policies and cultural richness.


Rebranding Australia

There is another task for Australia which deserves to be pretty high up there too. If successful, it would subtly help us achieve many of our other goals as a nation. It is a task that is long overdue: to effectively position and brand Australia in the global marketplace.



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