A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Empty gestures on the European stage

President Obama doesn't do idle chat...he likes the conversation to have a purpose. Not for him the bonding exchange or the photo opportunity. Which is why he...has so publicly turned down the EU's invitation to a summit in Madrid. Call it a snub if you like, but the simpler explanation is that he simply saw no point in it.


The U.S. must speak out against China’s offenses

It's true that Beijing is silencing more political dissidents than ever. But this is a call to action, not a reason to stand idly by...The United States cannot allow China to continue to act with impunity, particularly with respect to imprisoning lawyers.


Petraeus endorses ‘smart power’ concept as key weapon in terror war

Gen. David Petraeus talked to a crowd of nearly 600 people Wednesday evening about utilizing "smart power" and the challenges ahead in fighting global terrorism....Projects such as building of schools and administration of aid rise in importance in regions where extremist groups recruit heavily, Petraeus said.


What is Nation Branding?

The images we have about a country impact a lot on how we view it as a tourism destination, a place to invest in, and a place from which to buy the brands we so love. In today’s globalised marketplace the battle for tourism, exports, and inward investment is intensifying as brands have become more and more the vehicles for communicating national identities.


Buying Remorse for Srebrenica

The Serbian Parliament is expected to discuss and possibly even pass a resolution on the Srebrenica massacre in the coming weeks, in a move that is causing mixed feelings among the opposition and a dispute among members of the ruling coalition.


Why Germany’s giving Russia a bearhug

As Europe debates how to handle a restless Russia on its eastern flank, one country continues to strengthen its ties to the east: Germany. Not all of Germany's neighbors are thrilled about Germany's partnership with the large bear that has more than once threatened gas supplies to the chilly continent.


The Sour Notes of Iran’s Art Diplomacy

Late last month — around the time the Iranian government executed two more political prisoners, charging nine others with waging war against God, a capital offense — the Tehran Symphony Orchestra was sent on a government-sponsored tour across Europe, which just ended this week.


Innocents Abroad: Backpacking in the Age of Obama

Conservative pundits complained that Obama’s foreign policy essentially amounted to apologizing -- but, simply put, because Obama apologized, I don’t have to anymore. No one bothers me anymore about why America is doing what America is doing. Obama's public diplomacy makes my public diplomacy efforts and travel endeavors far easier.



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