A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Talks with the Taliban

In the matter of reintegrating Taliban fighters into Afghan society, the question is no longer whether to talk or not. Pres. Karzai has already invited the Taliban to a peace jirga and UN representatives reportedly met members of the Quetta shura in Dubai to discuss the possibility of direct talks.


Gates Promises US$10 Billion for Vaccine Push

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has pledged to spend more than US$10 billion on vaccine development and deployment in the next decade.

Tags: science diplomacy

Scientists: Why Haiti Should Move Its Capital

As a result of that anomaly and others they've seen so far, Amelung and many of his colleagues are urging Haiti's government and international donors to consider relocating the capital, which was largely reduced to rubble by the quake.

Tags: science diplomacy

M.D. Anderson Forms Relationship with Israeli Hospital

The University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center and the Chaim Sheba Medical Center in Israel have agreed to partner on oncology training, treatment and research.

Tags: science diplomacy

Obama to Skip Annual EU Summit

The decision to skip the EU summit will likely disappoint many Europeans, especially in Spain, current holder of the rotating EU presidency, which expected to host the summit in Madrid in May. It may also feed fears that Mr. Obama views the EU as irrelevant.


A continuing case of mistaken identity

As detailed in Our Man in Tehran, a new book by historian Robert Wright, Canadian Ambassador Taylor became the "de facto CIA station chief" when he was effectively asked to do so by then prime minister Joe Clark, who had been prevailed upon by then U.S. president Jimmy Carter.


A dangerous fissure is growing between Europe and its Muslims

The overarching challenge for European governments is to shift the focus from bans and restrictions on Islam in general and on Muslims in particular, and instead try to forge a cohesive and inclusive society where all citizens – including the continent’s Muslims – feel at home.


ProQuest Launches AtmosPeer—New Social Network for Atmospheric Scientists

A new online community designed specifically for researchers, scholars, librarians, and students in the atmospheric science community leverages the collaborative power of social networking across discipline-specific information.

Tags: science diplomacy


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