A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Nepal India Bhai Bhai. Take Rose, Tension Nahi Leneka.

In an effort to reduce tensions between their two nations, Nepalis and Indians come at a border point to hoist their national flags, sing their national songs and pay respect to their martyrs. But Indian Border Security Force’s harassment continues in eastern border.


Bitten by the Bollywood bug

India does not have the financial brand name of the Wall Street banks and investment houses. Neither is India’s military prowess near China’s. But, by careful nurturing or chaotic expansion, India could grow its "soft power" brands – IT engineers and Bollywood - in a crowded global marketplace.


ABC 24-hour news plan will cripple diversity

The announcement by ABC managing director Mark Scott of a new 24-hour, seven-day-a-week television news channel will harm Australia's media diversity and innovation through the ABC's monopolisation of the market.



While Indonesian Foreign Minister leads a delegation to the London talks on Afghanistan, the Trade Minister has just signed an agreement to increase Indonesian trade with Somalia. Both moves reflect the policy of the new Government. That Indonesia must go global, and take a lead in the Muslim world.


Who pays for a regional tourism? Who should?

Who pays to promote the Caribbean as a destination that tourists should visit? Is it governments through general taxation, or is it the hoteliers and those in the private sector who benefit from the industry's success. The issue touches on the growing global interest in nation branding.


British Council Hosts Translation Workshop

The British Council Egypt hosted a one-week intensive translation workshop between 24 and 29 January 2010. The workshop aims at promoting high quality literary translation between English and Arabic by supporting a new generation of translators.


Branding panel launches Web portal

The Korea Presidential Council on Nation Branding has launched its online portal - www.koreabrand.net. Unlike other existing government websites, it features a wide range of information on Korea from a visitor's perspective, according to the council.


Korea, Spain on meaningful date

The 6th Spain-Korea Forum took place in Cordoba, Southern Spain. This year's forum examined issues concerning gender equality, politics and security, logistics, energy and technology, and public diplomacy which includes sports such as Taekwondo, film and educational exchanges.



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