A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Russia agrees oil deal with Ukraine, eases EU fears

Russia said on Monday it had agreed terms for a new oil deal with Ukraine a few hours after spooking Europe with a warning the continent could face oil supply cuts because of a dispute between Moscow and Kiev.


Trying to Sway America’s Cuba Policy With Song and Easy Talk

When one of Cuba’s best-known musicians landed in the United States, his first appearance was not on stage, but on Capitol Hill. Carlos Varela, often referred to as Cuba’s Bob Dylan, had come to remix an album with his good friend Jackson Browne. But he also hoped to help reshape relations between the United States and his homeland.


Get the U.N. Out of the Climate Business

In the aftermath of the Copenhagen Climate conference, it is clear that the United Nations-driven process is a bust, and that any similar process requiring economic suicide and massive wealth transfers will go nowhere. It is long since time to drop this charade, take the question of climate change out of the hands of the U.N., and implement more reasonable policies.


Karachi is attempting hard to promote Tourism and Culture up till the end of the year 2009

Acting Consul General Mr. Trigustono Supriyanto in his welcome remarks said that the cultural show reflects the distinct cultural diversity of Indonesia that brings together Indonesian talent and its traditions. The purpose of this event was to promote Indonesian Tourism as a decent leisure destination as well as to boost the relationship of Pakistani Travel Experts with the Indonesian Travel Experts.


Azerbaijan University of Languages hosts students to study in Austrian University

"Austria is the cultural center of Europe, Graz is the center of languages of Europe. I hope this cooperation will continue and we will establish closer relations with Austrian universities in future," said Rector of Azerbaijan University of Languages, MP, Professor Samad Seyidov.


China – Africa - Cooperation

Boosted by the successful cooperation with Africa in the framework of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), China seeks now to further its cultural exchanges to foster a better comprehension between African and Chinese peoples.


China’s Tibet photography exhibition opens in Nepal

The Third China's Tibet Photography Exhibition was held here on Monday in Nepali capital Kathmandu. After seeing the 100 photographs themed on the Tibet Autonomous Region of China captured by Tibetan photographers, Nepali Minister for Information and Communication Shanker Pokhrel said "I felt the deep sense of natural beauty and social importance of Tibet."


From cultural to industrial, a growing partnership

The engagement between India and Japan is believed to go back to the 6th century when Buddhism was introduced to Japan. As the Japan Embassy Web site points out, Indian culture, filtered through Buddhism, has had a great impact on the Japanese culture, and this is the source of the Japanese people's sense of closeness to India.



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