A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

RT family grows bigger as Spanish channel goes on air

"Russia and Latin America have been traditionally connected – they have social, political and cultural relations. But so far there has not been such a TV channel," says the head of RT Spanish Broadcasting, Victoria Vorontsova.


Aboul Gheit and his Brazilian Counterpart agree on establishing ministerial strategic dialogue

Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit held extended deliberation session with his Brazilian counterpart, Celso Amorim, who is currently on an official visit to Cairo. The visit aims at cementing the special bilateral relations binding Egypt and Brazil, to coordinate and consult regarding several regional and international issues of common priority.


THE NR EYE: NRIs’ film-making talents to the fore

The Indian capital of New Delhi will host the first Pravasi Film Festival this week to screen films made by Indians living abroad or made outside the country. President of Mauritius Anerood Jugnauth will unveil the awards that will be given away at the festival.


A New Paradigm for Engaging Somalia

Any effort intended for effective political problem-solving and conflict-resolution must be made of a mix that includes “soft power” (public diplomacy, humanitarian and development aid, strategic educational campaigns, political and/or economic pressure). China uses this latter approach to expand its political influence around the world.


The Lonely Rising Power

Since the Copenhagen climate conference, a number of reports and commentaries in the Western press have blamed China for the perceived failure of the talks. This portends the perilous international political climate that China will increasingly have to face.


Can U.S. Baseball Diplomacy Get the Save in Nicaragua?

Any kid who has ever oiled a baseball glove in February while wishing the snow would melt knows that baseball is far more than just a game. And the U.S. government is also starting to recognize that it can harness the national pastime's awesome power as a public diplomacy tool in tricky parts of the world where traditional efforts have been met with — well, traditional results.


Russia and Europe need to move closer

Russians, on the other hand, emphasise their "hard power", including military force, because they know that they live in a dangerous world and have no one to hide behind. And, because of the country's comparative lack of "soft power" – social, cultural, and economic attractiveness – it stands ready to use the competitive advantages (ie, its resource wealth) available to it.


Asian Century

For its blistering economic growth and rising political power, global dominance is moving from the United States and Europe to Asia, in what is predicted to be the new Asian Century. "Yes, absolutely, I think this decade demonstrates the real promise of Asia," Alan Dupont, director of the Centre for International Security Studies at the University of Sydney, told Agence France-Presse.



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