A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Branding Slovenia

Slovenia has an identity crisis. People confound it with Slovakia. The names of the two countries, and even their flags are virtually interchangeable. Their languages are also both Slavic and so similar that both nationalities call their language with the same name: Slovenians call it “slovenski” (slovenian) and Slovaks also call it “slovensky” (slovak).


The Dominion of Cute

Cuteness as an intentional part of image-making can be confirmed from mascots for international tournaments. A mascot is part of a nation’s soft-power, and inevitably, an entire subdivision of marketing now flourishes under the name, “nation branding,” complete with annual rankings.


President Obama in Oslo

In a speech that was both somber and soaring, he returned again and again to Afghanistan, arguing that the war was morally just and strategically necessary to defend the United States and others from more terrorist attacks. In a moving passage, he invoked the memories of Mahatma Gandhi and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., saying that without Dr. King’s vision, leadership and sacrifice, he never would have been standing at that lectern in Oslo.


Hillary Clinton: Obama’s foreign-policy hawk

Secretary of State Clinton, Washington's No. 1 diplomatic salesperson, is fast becoming the foreign-policy hawk in a Democratic administration, while President Obama seems to be slow moving. Both believe in engagement with foreign adversaries, but Clinton believes in engaging from a position of strength. By contrast, Mr. Obama is now being faulted for engaging from a platform of weakness, if not appeasement.


Chinese policy and the ‘Two-Level Game’

The public and the media have key roles to play in China's international-domestic "game". There is no doubt that China's public diplomacy has to be further enhanced, and the media is factor in China's global image building and cultural exchanges.


Gates Foundation Joins Global Crop Research Network

International agricultural development research is set to receive a major boost with the announcement that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will formally join the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).

Tags: science diplomacy

U.S. Scientists Due in Pyongyang for Talks on Academic Cooperation

A group of prominent American scientists was to arrive in Pyongyang on Thursday for discussions with North Korean officials and scientists on ways to foster bilateral cooperation in various research fields, a U.S. science association said.

Tags: science diplomacy

World Citizen: Mediation as the Third Path to Global Power

Other forms of power have gained importance, with the concept of "soft power"-or the ability to peacefully persuade and attract other nations to acquiesce to a country's will-recently gaining prominence as an alternative to traditional "hard power."



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