A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Testing Obama’s Foreign Policy

Through a series of symbolic gestures and speeches (in Prague, Cairo, Accra, the United Nations, and elsewhere), Obama helped to restore American soft power...But critics on the right have complained that Obama’s approach to foreign policy has been weak.


Text of Barack Obama Nobel Prize acceptance speech

Let us live by their example. We can acknowledge that oppression will always be with us, and still strive for justice. We can admit the intractability of depravation, and still strive for dignity.


Obama accepts Nobel Peace Prize as he defends the need for war

Obama acknowledges the irony of receiving the prize as he orders a troop buildup in Afghanistan. He lauds past winners' commitment to nonviolence but says he can't follow their examples alone.


North Korea talks: US envoy trip shows difficulty of getting to yes

President Obama's envoy on North Korea has apparently gotten nowhere in bringing North Korea back to six-party talks on giving up its nuclear weapons – a sign of just how difficult it will be to pick up the pieces of the process after a year's hiatus.


Exiles keep Iran in touch

There are e-mails from expatriates in California to answer, chats with counterparts in Germany, politicians in European capitals and Washington to lobby, and the frequent calls from Tehran and other Iranian cities via Skype.


Strategic Listening: How to Build Research Capacity Within the U.S. Government

As McHale evaluates the U.S. government's national communications strategy, one of the glaring gaps that ought to come to her attention is the need for audience research.


The real stakes in Afghanistan

The first is America's place in the world in the 21st century. Officials from Moscow to Beijing, from Iran's revolutionaries to Somalia's pirates, will scrutinize this last-ditch U.S. effort -- and weigh their actions, reactions and interactions...


Medvedev Hints at Softer Tbilisi Ties

Medvedev’s comments were the first indication by a senior Russian official that some thawing in relations with Georgia might be in prospect after their August 2008 conflict over Georgia’s breakaway region of South Ossetia.



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