A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

NATO to Haaretz: We won’t play role in Mideast peace process

Deputy Secretary General of NATO, Ambassador Claudio Bisogniero is careful not to stray from NATO's official line and not to upset the Arab nations that are following closely the warming relations between his organization and Israel. Juxtaposed against this careful restraint, his criticism toward Iran's nuclear ambitions comes across even harsher.


China values its friendship with Pakistan: FM Yang Jiechi

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi said here Thursday that his country values its friendship with Pakistan."Pakistan and China are good friends", said Yang while talking to APP after the launch of China’s Foreign Affairs Photo Album. The book comprising photographs of public diplomacy including bilateral visits and various important events that took place in 2008.


Time to Coordinate Science Aid

Harmonizing 'science for development' funding would make science aid more effective, benefiting both donors and recipients.

Tags: science diplomacy

Americans Are Not Oxymorons: Reflections on President Obama’s Afghanistan Plans

Instead of the crude, obscenely packaged fabrications used by his predecessor in the Oval Office to mislead us into the war in Iraq, Obama's tortuous deliberations on a military escalation in Afghanistan have been marked by officially announced doubts about why we should engage more soldiers in that part of the world in the first place; by leaks about opinions from the principals involved, so many of whom disagree with one another; and, from a narrow PR perspective, by an unwillingness (some would call it a failure) to craft a clear, simple, "saleable" message of "why we must fight" in a li


Turkey’s Shifting Diplomacy

The U.S. and Europe are going to have to grapple with the pending replacement of its “southern tier” allies in the Middle East by the rising clout of the “northern tier” states. It would be best to make this adjustment sooner rather than later. None of the issues that matter to the West — the nuclearization of Iran, Israel’s security, the future of energy supplies — can be solved by ignoring the emergent reality of a new Middle East.


A hug from Lula

Brazil may yet become a regional power; Mr. Lula's mostly sensible domestic policies have made it stronger. But if it is to acquire global influence, Brazil will have to reform the anachronistic Third Worldism that informs its foreign policy. By embracing pariahs such as Mr. Ahmadinejad or attempting to position itself between the democratic West and the world's rogue states, Brazil will merely ensure that it remains the country of the future.


China vows to build media’s global communication capacity

China is seeking to improve its global image by helping the country's main media organizations cover the world to raise understanding of China among the international community. Wang Chen, minister in charge of the State Council's Information Office, said at a national symposium on international communication, which opened Thursday, that Chinese media should cooperate and compete globally with a "wider scope."


Music can bring world’s voices together, Catholic jazz icon says

Music can be the language to help bring people together, crossing any nation's boundary and driving freedom throughout the world, said jazz icon Dave Brubeck...In 1958, Brubeck led his Dave Brubeck Quartet on a 14-country "goodwill" tour through Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia. The following year, the group recorded "Time Out," the first jazz album to sell more than 1 million copies. The breakthrough album featured incorporated rhythms and beats from other cultures.



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