A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Iran’s leader makes inroads in Latin America

Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad won support for his country's nuclear ambitions and expanded his reach in Latin America in a three-country goodwill tour that took him to close ally Venezuela for his final stop...Chavez's enthusiastic embrace of Iran, which shares his hostility toward the U.S. and Israel, has made Venezuela a gateway for the Iranian government to make diplomatic inroads in Latin America.


U.S. online strategy holds clues for Tokyo

Imagine befriending Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama on Facebook. Or getting "tweets" from Foreign Minister Katsuya Okada on Twitter. It could happen if Tokyo follows Washington's lead. Technologically, change is needed. Public services are weighed down with paperwork, there is a lack of IT utilization and old laws still prohibit parties from using the Internet during an election period.


Deepening Cooperation with India (VIDEO)

Secretary Clinton said, "[T]he ability and the commitment of India and the United States to work together will be critical to our successes in both nations in addressing common challenges and achieving shared goals in the 21st century. As the world’s largest democracy and the world’s oldest democracy, we are poised to collaborate on a number of fronts, from strengthening our security and confronting the threat of violent extremism, to fostering breakthroughs in science and technology, to increasing political, economic, and social opportunities for the world’s women."


Nostalgia - Perception of the European Union as a Global Actor

As the Lisbon Treaty comes into force, a little reflection into the perception of the European Union as a global power as seen almost five years ago (2005). A bit of nostalgia but may be an appropriate starting point to assessing where the EU is now, and where it might be going.


WMU launches Chinese cultural studies initiative

Through the new WMU Confucius Institute that the performances celebrated, university educators hope to expand WMU students' and the greater community's knowledge of Chinese language, culture and history. Monday was the grand opening for the institute, a Chinese cultural studies initiative that involves student exchanges, a partnership with a Chinese university, expanding Chinese studies at WMU and even offering instruction to Kalamazoo-area K-12 students and the business community.


UI 4th overall in 2008-09 for hosting of foreign students

The University of Illinois' Urbana campus continues to host more international students than all but three other universities in the nation, according to the Institute of International Education. The UI is No. 1 among public universities. Last year, according to IIE, there were 6,570 enrolled at the Urbana campus. Only the University of Southern California (7,482 students), New York University (6,761) and Columbia University (6,685) had more.


Toward a Smart Alliance: The ROK-U.S. Relationship after President Obama’s Asia Trip

Asia is the region where a quarter of the total of American products is consumed, major bilateral allies exist, various networks of multilateral institutions operate, and new powers are rising. President Obama, during his first Asia trip, tried to emphasize that America is an Asia-Pacific power that will continue its commitment through a renewed East Asia strategy of “power of balance.


Democracy is…(VIDEO)

Some videos created by the USC Public Diplomacy 504 class for their "Democracy is..." contest. I'm missing one group. I will substitute it with the winning video my group did last year.



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