A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

We have to talk to our enemies

In essence, my main interest in cultural diplomacy came from an interest in conflict resolution or prevention. I initially noticed how odd the French-American relationship was when it came to culture. The French loved but also hated American culture; it went in both directions. How can two countries that are so similar have this strange conflict about culture? I wanted to do an internship at an institute for cultural diplomacy, but unfortunately at that time there was nothing like the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy.


Seeking foreign aid but not with conditions

Now the Pakistan government has the Hobson’s choice to either accept the Act as it is or reject it altogether. The Kerry-Lugar law provides for annual economic assistance of $1.5 billion to Pakistan for the period 20102014. The purposes of the assistance include consolidation of democratic institutions, supporting expansion of rule of law, promoting sustainable economic development, supporting investment in people and strengthening public diplomacy.


South Korea’s growing soft power gives it a larger role in global governance

Quietly, South Korea has moved away from being defined by its problematic North Korean neighbor, and is becoming an important middle-ranking power in global affairs. A South Korean is secretary general of the United Nations; Seoul will host next year’s G-20 summit; and the country has just reached a free-trade agreement with the European Union.


Master’s student brings images of the world to USC

In the second-floor Annenberg Gallery, Rockower’s travels are documented in a more accessible form. Selected from thousands of images taken during his adventures around the globe, 21st Century Family of Man exhibit features a lobby and conference room’s worth of professional-grade photos documenting the commonality among the people and places Rockower has encountered. “The overall connection is that family is family wherever you go,” Rockower said. “You can be anywhere in the world and find similarities.”


War is Boring: U.S. Army Reaches Out to Wary Afghan Farmers

For weeks, Able Troop, an element of 3rd Squadron, 71st Cavalry, had prepared to provide free veterinary services to potentially hundreds of local farmers -- coordinating with the local government, hiring vets, stockpiling medicine, and spreading word of the event. The idea was to win the farmers' allegiance, and create what 3rd Squadron commander Lt. Col. Thomas Gukeisen called "dislocated envy."


Iran Underlines Expansion of All-Out Ties with Japan

Iranian Minister of Cooperatives Mohammad Abbasi in a meeting with Japanese Ambassador to Tehran Akio Shirota stressed the expansion of all-out ties with Tokyo. Abbasi also reiterated that there are great potentials in both countries that pave the way for further expansion of all-out ties between the two states as Iran and Japan enjoy profound economic, social and cultural relations.


Academics to promote oriental wisdom of Daoism

the First International Summit on Laozi and Daoist Culture was held in Beijing, attracting 600 professionals, scholars, Daoists and followers of Daoism..."We are here to create an international platform for cultural exchange," said Hu Fuchen, the current president of CRALDC, in his speech at the opening ceremony in the Great Hall of the People. CRALDC is an association under the auspices of China Academy of Social Sciences.


ANALYSIS - China gets serious about sorting out soccer

China is finally getting serious about sorting out the shambolic state of its domestic soccer scene. Chinese soccer has long been regarded a national disgrace, a mire of match-fixing, corruption, violence, poor play and dwindling crowds....The huge success of the 2008 Beijing Olympics also reinforced awareness in the Chinese government of how effective sport can be in displaying a country's soft power.



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