A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

A broad dialogue with Muslims worldwide

The Obama administration has created the post of special representative to the Muslim communities with the goal of building trust with the world's Muslims. The first person to serve that role, Farah Pandith, a Kashmir-born Muslim, says the U.S. role in Muslim engagement includes working with the local communities.


Listen up, Muslims – the West fought for you

Most Muslims, in Britain and worldwide, have forgotten it, if they ever knew it in the first place. For a long time I saw the inability of the US to parlay its efforts on behalf of European Muslims into credit ... as a failure of American public diplomacy. But in the course of my own modest efforts at public meetings, and the odd appearance on Muslim channels, I quickly realised that I was hitting a brick wall.


The Quiet Power of Europe

Enlargement has become a huge source of soft power as well, a potent weapon for spreading Europe's influence. Turkey, for example, has enacted a long chain of reforms over the past two decades to improve its candidacy, and Albania, one of Europe's most backward states, recently announced it would become the world's first Muslim-majority country to allow gay marriage.


Yoga, Curry Make for Good Army Training

As Americans, it is important that we recognize that there are different perspectives, and different ways to think about things. Perhaps the most valuable lesson our soldiers will take from this is an ability to recognize a competing or a different perspective and understand that they may not agree with it but it's something they must incorporate in their decision making and how they interact with others.


Taking in school life in Bangladesh

School life in Bangladesh is currently being experienced by eight Newham primary school head teachers. They are visiting Sylhet for a week, returning on Friday (Nov 6), as part of a mission to narrow the gap in attainment for Bangladeshi pupils in schools in our borough.


The iPhone invades China

There was a time when gunboat diplomacy was the order of the day in United States – Chinese relations. Then came the much more formal Nixon and Kissinger show, with much pomp, circumstance, and gnashing of teeth. Now America is undertaking another cultural and commercial invasion of the giant of Asia, led by Apple and the iPhone.


Interview With Jim Sciutto of ABC

I think that we haven’t done as good a job as I wish we had in the past, having the kind of public diplomacy, people-to-people connection, and the sensitivity that comes with listening and consulting with people as opposed to just stating our opinion and kind of saying take it or leave it. I don’t think that’s always the best way to communicate.


Freedom Without Walls: Campus Weeks Events

Thirty universities across the United States are participating in the Freedom Without Walls program via campus weeks that include lectures, workshops, concerts and film screenings, as well as speech and wall art contests, all with a view to exploring the legacy of the fall of the Berlin Wall on November 9, 1989.



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