A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Relations between Angola and Germany improve

Bilateral relations between Angola and Germany have improved recently leading to major increase in trading exchange. The two governments are working towards the materialisation of various projects notwithstanding the formation of the new government in Federal Republic of Germany, under Chancelor Angela Merkel.


India and China profess brotherhood

Joshua Kurlantzick of the New Republic maintains that China's soft power "charm offensive" is "transforming the world". In India, though, the massive Chinese investment in public relations has not easily transformed the cagey news-consuming public.


What can we blame on Rio?

The Olympic setback is hardly the defining moment of President Obama's foreign policy. But it is a window through which we can see some things a bit more clearly now than perhaps we saw before. The decision shows the limits of soft power and those limits are greater than even soft power skeptics realized.


Gulf Air executive wins top fellowship

AABF fellowship is a highly competitive fellowship programme open to all Arab countries to which only 15 candidates are admitted each year. The selected candidates undergo an 18-day training programme, and will also be spending four days in Washington DC meeting with US government officials, policy makers, members of think-tanks and cultural exchange organisations.


US Military Deny Plans for Counter-Terrorist Website in Georgian

USSOCOM, which is part of the Department of Defense, awarded GDIT a $10.1 million contract to develop websites in foreign languages aimed at generating support for U.S. anti-terrorist activities among foreign audiences. The websites primarily function as a source of news and analytical information written by local journalists and experts.


Olympic Dreams

We need to realise that the Olympic Games are not just about staging a world sporting event; it's about projecting soft power as well as investing in infrastructure for long-term gains. India could learn from China and the way it went about bidding for and then hosting the 2008 Olympics.


First Islamic Film Market kicks off in Tehran

The First Islamic Film Market kicked off here in Tehran on Saturday at the venue of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization. Minster of Culture and Islamic Guidance Mohammad Hosseini, members of the Islamic Radio and Television Union, director of the General Assembly of the Union Ali Karimian and several cultural figures attended the opening ceremony.


Exchange We Can Believe In

Speaking at Cairo University in June, President Obama pledged to "expand exchange programs and increase scholarships, like the one that brought my father to America." Nowhere is that change more urgently needed than in providing educational opportunities in Iraq.



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