A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Jamaica considers cashing in on its image

Brand Jamaica is everything distinctively and creatively Jamaican: from Blue Mountain coffee and Bob Marley, to reggae and Rastafarianism to herbs and seasonings. But while Jamaica has one of the strongest images of any country in the region, thanks largely to its successful tourism marketing campaigns, the country's economy doesn't profit much beyond tourism from its powerful identity.


Promoting diplomacy through truck art

A group of art enthusiasts will travel from Islamabad to Paris in a 1974 Volkswagen Beetle that has been reconditioned by an experienced mechanic and painted by a celebrated local truck artist. This unique journey would help promote the artistic and cultural potential of Pakistan, Pak-French friendship, Inter-cultural harmony.


India to open 16 culture centres

Riding on the soaring popularity of yoga and Bollywood, India is poised to nearly double its network of cultural centres across the globe in places as diverse as the US, Africa and Latin America. The opening of new cultural centres is an important initiative in cultural diplomacy to achieve range and depth of cultural coverage.


Political and Strategic Implications of NATO Enlargement

public opinion in Montenegro remains reluctant to embrace the Alliance.Only 35% of the population in Montenegro supports NATO accession while approximately 70% is in favor of EU membership: a low figure compared to other NATO candidate countries that calls for an adequate information and public diplomacy plan.


Iran again: Is everyone bluffing?

Iran is back in the forefront of public diplomacy. President Obama, jointly with Prime Minister Gordon Brown of Britain and President Nicolas Sarkozy of France, held a press conference in which they seemed to give Iran one more ultimatum: Conform to their demands, what they called the demands of the “international community,” by December of this year or face new sanctions.


Zardari makes gains in opinion poll at Sharif’s expense

The survey, conducted by the Washington-based International Republican Institute (IRI), a pro-democracy group financed by the US government, also said an overwhelming majority of Pakistani people continued to reject the US as a partner to fight militancy in their country.


Why Brazil Won

Aside from its beautiful beaches, world-famous carnival, crowd-drawing soccer, Brazil is the next host of the summer Olympic Games as declared by the International Olympic Committee in Copenhagen. The Olympic Games will reaffirm the government's international reputation as a leader among emerging nations.


Did White House coordinate timing of missile decision with Kremlin?

Speculations abound that Russian diplomats, working on instructions from propaganda experts within the Kremlin, tricked State Department diplomats to get President Obama to announce on September 17 his cancellation of the Bush plan to build missile defense systems in Poland and the Czech Republic.



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