A curated selection of public diplomacy-relevant news from a global cross-section of English-language media outlets, including independent, corporate-owned, and state-sponsored sources. The stories featured don't necessarily represent CPD's views nor have they been verified by CPD.

Want Detente? Be Careful What You Wish For

But to an alarming degree, Obama's multilateral dream is also taking on a nightmare life of its own. When you invite thugs into your parlor with offers of "mutual interest and mutual respect," and present yourself as a soft touch, there's a certain risk that instead of becoming your polite pals, they will collude to steal the silver and trash the house.


Spectacle of Power Cannot Conceal Deep Insecurity

Around the world, the Chinese government has managed to greatly expand its presence by securing the support of some of the world’s most important international, cultural, and media institutions, as well as the Empire State Building, the tallest building in New York City. China’s increasing soft power has two major consequences for human rights: it lends legitimacy to a political regime that continues to violate human rights, and it lulls the international community into forgetting the serious, ongoing human rights issues in China.


South Africa Looks to USC for Partnerships

Lulu Xingwana, South Africa’s Minister of Arts and Culture, visited USC on Sept. 28 with a delegation of South African government officials to discuss possible partnerships and research projects. Xingwana noted that South Africa is hosting the 2010 World Cup in soccer next June and July, involving matches in nine cities across the country.


Stanford, Ugandan students bridge cultural divide through performance

A dozen Stanford students have joined five Ugandan students and three Ugandan instructors to create an event combining music, dance and the spoken word. The social makeup is mixed on both sides: "A princess from one of the tribes is in our group, as well as orphans," said Ramsaur. Students perform in the premier of 'Beyond My Circle' at The National Theater in Uganda "This project has been exciting, especially from the Ugandan side," said Bazaale. "It's the first of its kind."


Congress to Vote on Bill to Triple Aid to Pak

The US House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on a bill to triple non-military aid to Pakistan to USD7.5 billion in the next five years with riders demanding strong counter-terrorism measures and preventing attacks on the West or its neighbours like India.

Tags: congress

Egypt keen to work with India on Cultural Exchange

“We are keen in developing and promoting cultures of India and Egypt where country men of both the countries can relate to each other comfortably” said H.E. Dr. Mohamed Higazy. “We want to open the doors of our country for Indian Art and Culture too.” He added. “Films are the best Ambassador of culture of the country” said Sandeep Marwah the founder of film city and Director of AAFT


Research on the Internet can lead to skewed results

And yet even a brief examination of America's most commonly used Internet search engines reveals strong obstacles to the formation of an informed American view on the future of China and Taiwan. When we ask our search engines for information about China and Taiwan, where do they direct us? The answer is clear: Internet search engines are inherently biased and should be used with great caution.


Meaningful Exchange in Mandarin

Coming to the realization that I knew much less about China than I thought, I tried to spend more time listening to what Chinese people wanted to tell me about their culture. I attempted to use these direct experiences as a basis for understanding China, rather than trying to fit my new observations into the perspectives I had formulated prior to actually living in the country.



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